Water ballast problems: Current aspects

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This investigation was undertaken to study whether Vibrio cholerae might be imported by the ballast waters discharged by sea-going ships into the water area of the Taganrog bay and to analyze current ballast water management on board the ships arriving at the port of Taganrog. The ballast water samples taken from ships at the port of Taganrog in the May-September of 2010 were the subject of investigation. Ninety-eight samples taken from 87 ships were examined. V. cholerae nonO1/non O139 serogroup strains were found in 25 samples. The salinity index was determined in 22 samples. Ship documents regulating ballast operations were examined. Some motor ships and their traffic may be referred to as a group at risk for V. cholerae importation. Researches to elaborate normative documents regulating the bacteriological study of water ballast are urgent for improving the epidemiological surveillance of cholera.

About the authors

Svetlana Yur'evna Vodyanitskaya

Email: vodyanitskaya@mail.ru

Oleg Viktorovich Lyakh

Yuriy Vladimirovich Ryzhkov

Yuriy Mikhaylovich Lomov

Vladimir Ivanovich Prometnoy

Vladimir Dmitrievich Kruglikov

S Yu Vodyanitskaya

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

O V Lyakh

Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare in the Rostov Region

Russian Inspectorate for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare in the Rostov Region

Yu V Ryzhkov

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

Yu M Lomov

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

V I Prometnoy

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

V D Kruglikov

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute

Rostov-on-Don Research Antiplaque Institute


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

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