Urogenital infections and chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system




The aim of the investigation was to study the etiology of chronic genital inflammatory processes and their impact on the body. A total of 1000 patients (503 females and 497 males) of reproductive age (18-45 years), who had chronic genital inflammation and had been twice treated for urogenital infections, were examined. The investigation involved collection of history data and clinical and laboratory studies.
The specific features of the microbial picture in the reproductive system of the males and females who had been manifold treated for urogenital infections. Therapy was frequently insufficiently effective in eliminating the microorganisms, the detection of which formed as a basis for treatment.
During therapy, there is frequently an increase in the detection rates for the opportunistic microorganisms that virtually pose no lesser threat than do the initially detected microflora.


Elena Shevchenko

A Artifeksova

Ye Shevchenko

Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development

Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development

A Artifeksova

Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development

Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development


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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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